At Mill Rythe teachers strive to promote curiosity and a love of learning about the past. We believe that exploring History makes a valuable contribution to the children’s understanding of all aspects of life, giving a sense of pride, identity and heritage. Through our history curriculum we aim to ensure that children develop a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We want children to be inspired by history and to become fascinated by learning about the past and how it has shaped our modern world

Through the Mill Rythe Junior history curriculum, children learn about key events and periods in British history from the Stone Age to the Vikings and Anglo-Saxon conflict. In the upper school they also explore key historical events and periods from around the world i.e. Ancient Greece and The Egyptians.

We believe it is vital that children have a sense of chronology and duration and so all units of work are placed in a historical context. When new units are introduced, links are made to children’s previous learning i.e. Did this come before or after? How long after? What else was happening in the world at this time? Through this, the children have the opportunity to pose questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments and develop perspective. We want children to learn to ‘think as historians’.

Wherever possible we aim to bring history to life for our children. We visit areas of historical importance such as Fishbourne Roman Palace, meet with real life archaeologists who teach us how to be History detectives and immerse ourselves in times gone by through role play, games and songs; such as our WW1 Day.