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At Mill Rythe Junior School we have all agreed that no-one should be bullied. We have worked together so that we know what bullying is, how we can prevent it happening and what to do if you think you or someone else is being bullied.

What should I do if I think I am being bullied or if I see someone else being bullied?

It is really important that you tell someone who can help you. This might be an adult in school, a parent or even a friend who will help you talk to an adult about what is happening.

If you don’t feel you can talk to someone, you can use the ‘worry box’ which is near the office. You can use the worry box to write a message to either Mrs Maxwell, Mrs Wintle or Mrs Brydon so that they can make sure the bullying stops. You can also use the school’s email address to send a message to school. The email address is:

You can also find help from outside school from this excellent website:

What is bullying?

We call bullying deliberate physical violence or repeated unkindness by one child or a group of children against another child who can’t defend themselves. Bullying may include any of the following sorts of behaviour:

  • Deliberately hurting someone else
  • Pushing or jostling
  • Threats
  • Teasing
  • Name calling
  • Damaging belongings on purpose
  • Deliberately not letting children play with their group of friends and isolating them

How do we create a school where bullying does not happen?

We want our school to be a happy place to be. We each have a responsibility to make our school happy by being kind to each other and this is one of school values.  Teachers reward examples of kindness through our Marvellous Me app.

We will also talk about how to stop bullying in our RHE lessons and every year in assemblies.

Is bullying the same as falling out?

Not necessarily. From time to time it is normal to fall out with people, even our friends. Sometimes we fall out and say and do things we don’t mean that might upset the other person. If this happens, saying sorry might help or just giving the other person some time and space. Sometimes it might be a good idea to ask an adult to help solve the problem.