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Young Carers

Young Carers

At Mill Rythe Junior school we are dedicated to enabling all of our pupils to reach their potential. We are aware that some of our pupils take on caring duties at home for other family members above and beyond what may be expected for a child of their age. Understandably, this can effect a child’s emotional, social and academic well -being.  It is important to us that these pupils are well supported, in the best way that suits them.

We consider a Young Carer as any child (under 18 years old) who regularly looks after a family member who has an illness, disability, mental illness or addiction.  This person may be a sibling, a parent or a member of their extended family.

The types of caring tasks undertaken by a young carer may vary greatly but they may involve some of the following:

  • Practical tasks (cooking, housework and shopping)
  • Physical care, such as, lifting or helping someone use the stairs or physiotherapy.
  • Personal care such as dressing, washing and helping with toileting needs.
  • Managing the family budget collecting benefits and prescriptions.
  • Managing and administering medication
  • Looking after or ‘parenting’ sibling with medical needs.
  • Helping someone communicate whether that is due to a hearing impairment or because English is not the family’s first language.
  • Providing emotional support for other family members.


We currently run a lunchtime club for our young carers where pupils can come with their friends and have some time to relax and take part in a wide range of activities aimed at having fun. We are in the process of developing our provision for young carers and we are working towards gaining our ‘Young carers in school award.’


Pupils benefit from knowing that there is someone to talk to when they need to and that we understand the additional responsibilities they may have to shoulder. Miss Harrison is the named member of staff who has responsibility for our young carers. We will do our very best to put support in place to meet each child’s differing needs, for example, being able to call home at lunchtimes to speak to a family member; through to additional homework support.

If your child is a young carer, please do let us know. Speak to us at the gate in the mornings or telephone the office to make an appointment with Mrs Maxwell.

For further information please see the websites below: